Weekly Wrap Up – June 14, 2024

It’s not quite the end of the week yet, but I’m writing this ahead of time because I am currently in Nebraska visiting my husband’s family. Our niece is getting married – on 6/12/24 because they really like the way those numbers worked. It’s always nice to get other there and see all of them, since we don’t get to very often.

You’ll notice that I’ve been posting a lot more lately. I’ve been trying to work on that and finally have somewhat of a system. By the time this goes up, I will have several posts stored up in drafts – mostly reviews which I have finally gotten around to writing. It’s been really satisfying.

A short recap this week since I am traveling. Hope you are all doing well and have a nice weekend!

Categories: Weekly Wrap-Up


6 replies

  1. I the wedding day is beautiful and perfect! & oh nice good for you for getting all organized, I’ve also been trying to set up a plan to post more often soon!

  2. Not easy waiting for next week- June 20th is my 3rd musical (Mamma Mia)

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